United Gaming - Rules and Guidelines - Gang RP Rules


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Staff member
Nov 20, 2023

The staff team will review every report on a case-by-case basis. Due to the human nature of RP, a rule cannot be written for every instance. Therefore, the staff team reserves the right to apply experience and judgment to each report, and as a result, the outcome may differ from one report to the next.

Remember, we do have the discretion to take action, even though no written rules have been broken. -Christoffer, 2022

General Gang Roleplay Rules:
  • A gang can have no more than 15 members. Associates don't exist. Anyone representing your gang will be viewed as a member.
  • You cannot steal crafting tables, materials, weapons, drugs and any other items that belong to the organisation before leaving or being blooded out, unless clearly stated and kept separate.
  • GangRP is a privilege, not a right - if we think your RP is not appropriate/in good faith/of a low quality, staff reserve the right to disband and remove your Gang.
  • Use of real gang names is prohibited.

Blooded Out Rules

If you are “blooded out” of a gang, you forget sensitive gang information. We determine the following to be gang information that **must** be forgotten. The *personal knowledge* may be remembered, *this is some examples, but not limited to*

Gang Information

  • Stashes
  • Locations
  • Territory plans and lab, trap house and/or factory locations
  • Gang relationships
  • Gang plans prior, current and future

Personal Knowledge
  • Name
  • Gang members full names
  • Gang colours (would take them 5 seconds to learn again)
  • Knowledge of drugs (recipes)
  • Knowledge of guns (Recipes)

Streams, Metagaming, NLR:
  • In GangRP, you are advised to record ALL gameplay - if you require a clip for a report, you MUST have 2 minutes prior and post the incident and the audio must not be removed or adjusted. If this isn't present, staff reserves the right to close the ticket.
  • Individuals looking to report someone for metagaming must have solid evidence - clips, screenshots - or tickets will be closed down; it is not for staff and logs to prove your report.
  • Whilst in the city, you may not watch anyone streaming UG. If you are caught in other streamers chats, you will receive the FULL metagaming punishment.

Gang Turf/Territory Rules:

  • Turfs are completely optional. They fit some gangs, but not all.
  • Whereby Gangs have a compound on their turf, it is not permitted to gain access to this compound for the sole sake of hostile action. There MUST be sufficient reasoning and Roleplay desire.
    • The principle of prioritising HQ RP applies here - staff will use their best judgment at all times.
  • At least one or more clothing items that represent your gang while on your turf.
  • If another gang appears and initiates a fight/shootout on your turf, they are accepting the fight knowing there are more than 6 on your side.
  • This being said, if you choose to become a Gang that utilises a turf, you should be aware of the following:
    • All players must be wearing an item of clothing representing the gang
    • Outside of wars, full and proper initiation is still a hard requirement on your turf.
    • You may not exceed 15 active individuals representing the gang on your turf at once.
  • If you choose to go to a Gang’s Turf, you should be aware of the following:
    • The rule of 6 applies to you at all times
    • The “Defending” Gang, or gang on their own turf, may have all 15 members present.
    • If you get into conflict on another Gang’s turf, they may not pursue you with all 15 members.
Gang War Rules:

  • In Gang wars, gangs may roll around 6 deep.
  • Gangs must meet face to face to declare war. Hostile RP may not commence at this scene.
  • Gangs must meet face to face to END a war. Peace should be accepted unless you have a very good reason not to.
  • All members must rep FULL colours throughout the war, including vehicles
  • Gangs may use no more than three vehicles at once during a war
  • Initiation against the enemy gang is reduced to verbal identification, but you will be held accountable for all poor RP especially against PD and bystanders
  • Greenzones still apply
  • Gang staff must be informed of wars and approve them before they start

Gang Raid Rules

  • Gangs are allowed 15 gang members at the compound at the time of raid.
  • Gangs MUST still fear their life if it comes to it.
  • Gangs MUST fear their freedom if it comes to it.
  • Gangs CAN NOT call other gangs in for help.

Cooldown rules

Cooldown is applied after the removal of a gang, leaving a gang, or disbanding a gang.

  • You are allowed to join any gang without cooldown - this puts all responsibility on the leaders and gangs would have to think about what they share, who they bring in and who they blood.
  • You are not allowed to join the same gang within 3 months. (Unless roleplay dictates otherwise, rare situations.)
  • There will be a cooldown on joining a gangs laptop. (3 days)
  • You must wait 1 week after you have been added to your new gangs laptop before you can be involved in "The 6".

When on cooldown, you may only do the following concerning gang roleplay (anything not explicitly on this list is not permitted in your roleplay in gang roleplay experience.):

  • You may only operate as a runner for a gang.
    • A runner of the gang is someone who sells drugs, manufactures drugs and pushes drugs on the street. You are a grinder for that gang with no benefits attached.
  • You are not permitted to attend meetings with a gang while on cooldown.
    • This also includes being a part of a gangs 'Active 6'. Essentially, you may not go on a 'roll out' with a gang.
  • You may not hang around their turf or properties, just in an idle manner. You can attend to their turf or properties purely for trading purposes. You must then leave this turf.
  • You are not permitted to use any firearms when on cooldown.
  • You are not permitted to go with the intention to rob or tax other players or gangs.
  • You are personally or with a group not allowed to do any heist larger than a Vangelico or a car boost. This means only shop robberies, Vangelicos or boosting is permitted.
Essentially, to put the cooldown into a ****le sentence, you are not allowed to engage in any other 'gang activities' outside of trading items while being a runner.

Turf wars

Going forward for turf wars:

- it is 15 on base zone
- it is 8 on your claimed zone
- it is 6 everywhere else
- you must have your cars painted your gang colour, red, blue etc
- you must be repping your gang colours
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